Tuesday, May 10, 2011

When I was trying to impress Kate I was trying to cook these amazing fancy dinners and what would happen was I would burn something, something would overspill, something would catch on fire and she would be sitting in the background trying to help, and basically taking control of the whole situation, so I was quite glad she was there at the time.

Prince William

Read more: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/p/prince_william.html#ixzz1LxN79VtM

No matter,poor or rich..
Everyone will need to go through love..or even more.

Is just like reading a children story book
The ending was always be,
Prince and princess live happily forever??

But still, is happening in reality,
I sincerely hope that, there will be no ending for them.
Their amazing story will cotinue.

True love stories never have endings.
~Richard Bach (Thanks, Bonnie)

I really love the way they look at each other.